Home Damaged In A Storm? Do These 4 Things

Storm damage can be quite devastating to a home, leaving you with major repairs or a home not suitable to live in for the foreseeable future. Here is what you should do when you find yourself in a situation with a home ravaged by storms.

Call Your Home Insurance Company Immediately

The first thing you should do is contact your home insurance company about the damage. Let them know what happened and what type of damage you believe has occurred. They will advise about the next steps, which should be to send an insurance adjuster to your home to assess the damage that has been caused.

At this point, it is important that you follow all instructions from your insurance company regarding the damage. For example, they may request that you have a temporary repair performed to prevent the damage from getting worse. This can include installing a tarp of a roof where there is significant damage, which will prevent more water from getting into the home and causing more damage.

Assess The Home For Safety

Sometimes the damage can be so significant that your home is not safe to live in. Have your home inspected by a professional, and have them tell you if there are any safety concerns. You should take steps to arrange an alternative living situation if you are told you should not enter your home again. Stay with friends or family, or even in a hotel if necessary.

Document The Damage

You definitely want to start documenting the damage that occurred to your home, which can be done by taking photographs. You will want evidence of the damage that occurred to your home immediately after it happened, which can help prove how bad the damage is if necessary. Consider emailing these photos to yourself so that there is a timestamp associated with the photos.

Hire A Lawyer

The extent of the damage may require the help of a lawyer to fight with the insurance company on your behalf. This will be necessary if the insurance company tries to deny your claim, does not offer a solution that will restore the home back to the way it once was, or will not pay for your temporary living costs while your home was being repaired. Your home insurance company will definitely try to pay the bare minimum to take care of your case, so it can help to have someone fighting on your behalf. Contact a firm, like Law Offices of Jeremy W McKey, for help
