Involved In A Car Accident? How You Can Prove The Other Driver Was Distracted

Were you involved in an accident where another driver hit you, but you suspect that they were distracted at the time by using their cell phone and were responsible? If so, you'll definitely want to get a lawyer involved to help win your case. Proving fault is crucial in winning any personal injury lawsuit, and there are some ways that you can prove that the driver was distracted and responsible for the crash.

Find An Eyewitness

One of the best ways to prove that the driver was distracted is to have an eyewitness. While it can be difficult to get an eyewitness to see what was happening in the other vehicle at the time of the accident, know that it is possible. You may be able to get a passenger in the vehicle to admit that the driver was using their phone at the time of the accident. If you can get them to say this to a police officer when they are making the report, it will be easy to prove that the other driver was responsible.

It is worth asking any bystanders that saw the crash if they noticed any distracted driving behavior. You may be surprised at what bystanders saw if they noticed the odd driving behavior that eventually led to the accident.

Check For Security Camera Footage

It is always worth checking for security footage around the accident site to see if there is any video evidence of distracted driving. This is more common in commercial areas, where businesses may have security cameras pointing towards parking lots and streets that could capture the accident. The city may even have security cameras in place that caught the accident, which can help prove distracted driving.

If you are involved in an accident in a residential area, check the neighbors around the scene of the crash to see if they have video doorbells. It's possible that this camera caught the accident on video. With the quality of these cameras being so great these days with high resolution and clarity, you may be able to see what the driver was doing prior to the crash.

Send A Preservation Letter

You can use the help of a lawyer to send a preservation letter to the other driver, which means that they must preserve their cell phone data so that it can be investigated. They may be able to do things such as check to see which apps were used at the time of the crash, or if any phone calls or text messages were sent and could have caused the driver to be distracted.

For more information, contact a company like the Law Office of Robert Karwin.
